Day 7. Lockdown At The Crown.

Today was a weirdly bland and yet bizarre day. Not much happened as I guess the days are starting to blend into one now. Groundhog Day at its best.

We can order online now which is cool. No guarantee that anything you order can or will be delivered, but I guess its fun killing an hour attempting to order and then dreaming of receiving potential things from the outside world. So dramatic, I know, but also so relevant.

I did have one weird situation though. As mentioned yesterday, I had called and left three messages to speak with a nurse and when I finally got a call, it was not in relation to my messages but rather a "check up". Long story short, I received another call today to say that I was going to be swabbed due to my concern over my cough. An hour or so later at around 7pm and my door bell rang, it was two young nurses ready to swab me.

After numerous attempts with an electrical thermometer that just would not work, they gave up on trying to take my temperature. Next was the swab test. After a brief explanation, I had the long cotton bud like swab inserted right down the back of my throat and then pushed right up each nostril. Some slight discomfort, but nothing to complain about. One of the nurses realised that my details hadn't been written on the sample bottle and notified her colleague. "Oh Fuck!" the dark haired nurse exclaimed. The other nurse who seemed slightly more aware of just what it was she was doing told me "Just give me your date of birth to remember and I'll go downstairs and give you a call back to confirm."

It's nearly midnight and I have still had no call back. Should I be worried?

Guess I'll go and watch Maleficent for the 10th time. Friday night.


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