Day 9. Mondays Message.

I woke up this morning to an address from the Queen. Given that this is just the fifth time in her nearly seventy year reign that her majesty has addressed the U.K. and Commonwealth, there most definitely is some significance, a lot actually.

I know that there will be some who criticise that I am even referencing her majesty, but as someone who is in forced quarantine at the moment and finding that this situation is not only testing my mental stamina but emotional well being as well, any source of comfort that a world leader of sound mind delivers, is one that I will grab onto. It was a gentle message that had a quiet strength, devoid of blame and sensationalism, instead asking us to work together and reminding us that "we will meet again."

Powerful sans the fanfare.

Feeling inspired and with a new week staring at me from the horizon, I decided to start my daily calls that essentially are me returning the previous calls I have left. As per usual, no answers were/are given and as for the nurse station here at the Crown Promenade, I was again informed that "I am sure the nurses had your details." They didn't, but ok, let's wait and see if I do in fact get my results back. It sounds awful, but given the stuff the two original nurses made when they came here on Saturday, I wouldn't be surprised if the sample goes "missing" or some excuse for not receiving results is given.

Nine days in and if I hear from another person say that "it's just like a holiday, be grateful" I think I will lose it. Being locked in a room with windows that don't open and having a cold, is far from a holiday.

Positive note: Woolworths delivery arrives sometime tonight! Finally, I will be able to scrub my face!

It's the simple things...


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