Day 8. Sunday (not so) Funday.

It's 7am on Sunday morning and as no one has called me back to confirm my absent details from said sample bottle, I thought I would call the nurse to see if they had any sample bottles lying around. I was met with so much attitude and was even told in a thick Irish accent "I am sure that they confirmed your details Matthew." I am sorry, is this woman scolding me for the incompetency of her co workers? Yes, she was.

A number of calls to the 1800 number, unavailable again, and I decided to leave a lengthy message of complaint. I have been incredibly patient in this hyper crazy situation and to be met with someone not only talking over me, but trying to reprimand, just ain't gonna fly. Great start to my official week in quarantine.

Finally, at 10:30am I receive a call from a nurse. I exclaim with excitement "Thank you so much for returning my call, I have left three messages!" Her response was "Sorry, I am just doing a general call around." Sigh. What is so hard about people returning calls, especially when it is do with ones health in the midst of a global pandemic?

Let's see if or who actually calls me back. It seems being proactive in these crazy times falls completely on deaf ears.

Again, a massive SIGH.


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