Day 6. Just Returning My Call


Another crap night and minimal sleep. Since 7am I have started trying to get through to the Vic Gov 1800 number and no luck. It is now 9am and every time I call I get that "We are currently busy" line. Sigh. Six days in and I, along with the rest of the hotel, are still awaiting that elusive call back from Woolies. How many damn calls do I need to make just to get food!? This is mental and to be honest, my patience has nearly run out.

I have received loads of messages asking me what I am doing this weekend and "any plans for the weekend?" Everyone is a comedian. No plans, thought I'd stay in call the 1800 number, fun times. Speaking of, I did get through to what appears to be a new group of people manning the 1800 number and spoke to a guy by the name of Anthony.

Whilst he was nice enough, he found it very hard to let me speak and instead spoke over me at any chance he had. He took down all my concerns and "promised" to call me back within an hour or two. That was at 11:16am and given that it is now 9pm, I am guessing Anthony isn't going to return my call. Sigh.

These call backs that I AM MAKING, are getting out of control. I have left three messages for the onsite nurse to get back to me. A slight cough has me worried and given that I grew up with a Mother who was and still is a nurse, I take my health seriously. The responsibility for our health and not passing this virus on is paramount to its demise. But here I am stuck in quarantine and I can't even get a nurse to return my call. Again, sigh.

Note to self: don't promise things you can't or won't deliver on. Sorry, note to Victorian government.

Might go and play some Celine Dion tracks now, always good for a solo pity party.

I just want to hide under my covers until this is all over...


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